Be yourself because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter

Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Just Me and My Story

Hello guys! Finally i got time to visit my own blog lol. I want to share a lil bit about my senior high school life since i've been officially graduated from my school.

Senior High School 1 Surabaya

So here i come with a lot of stories. I'll tell you about my first year at this school first. Not much I can tell you about it, cuz lol nothing was really happened. I mean its just me and my friends doing the same things again and over again (doing those school's stuffs like everybody does). I'm a shy person when i'm surrounding by strangers. So all that I can say, in that period, i'm so quite (if only you don't know me well). Oh and I almost forget this, i met my-warmy-cutie-friends here. They're : BUC (stands for Bubble Under the Chair lol. They're so nice, lovely, cute, ah its really nice to know them); Maria aka my deskmate, thanks for everything, good to know you; and then Raissa, the most-gajelas-but-super-ngangenin-and-always-understanding-me-person, the one that i love the most untill now; and the last Santi, the super-cute-girl-that-look-like-a-kid-but-yeah-she's-wayy-older-than-me-tho.

Then, the second year at this school. I think my class is full of famous people. Like....uhm ok you don't have to know. I was like "omg, seriously, I don't think I belong in this class". But yeah now I thank to God, I met my super-duper-luvly-friends in this class. I'm still quite in this class, I mean....yeah several friends told me that they doesn't even know that I was their classmates omg. In this class I met new friends, like TOD Lovers (cuz we really love to play TOD like all the time so we named it for us), Teliotter (we named it cuz we used to go to the toilet most of the time lol), Snowman (i really had no idea why Niko named us Snowman, just like the pen's merk lol). Wuhuu i got a lot of friends, really. I love to spend my time with them.

Ugh, i'm so sleepy now. I'll tell you about my last year at school later ok? I was really had so much fun on that year. So see you another time maybe? Nightynight. xoxo

ps: pardon my grammar lol

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